Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Introduction and Invitation

               Transitions.  I love to challenge myself to find one word to describe my current state.  I have come to believe that “transitions” is the best word to describe the entire human condition.  If it’s true that everything changes except change, then transitions are our primary purpose in life.  Does that seem oversimplified, or pessimistic?  I suppose that depends on how you think of transitions.
                In this blog, I will examine many types of transitions.  While the dictionary definition of transition is “movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, or concept to another” I will define it differently.  I think of transitions as adjusting to change.  Transitions as change happen to us.  Transitions as adjustment are in our control.  I like control, especially when I’m having to change.
                I plan to make liberal use of quotes in this blog because when I see that someone has captured an important thought in a concise manner I don’t see any reason to try to improve on it.
Q: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but the light bulb must want to change.

                I also believe that relationships and communication are two critical parts of transitions.  As change occurs, relationships will demand extra attention.  Communication is important in all aspects of our lives but it is essential during transitions.  I spent my entire career in broadcasting and teaching, both of which demand good communication skills and yet in both areas my colleagues and I struggled to communicate.  My bachelor’s degree is in speech-communication but I feel I still have much to learn about good communication.
                Some of the experiences I will draw from include starting a family, starting school, graduating, teaching, owning a business, death, leaving home, starting a career, retiring, caring for parents, and more.
                I expect to reveal some things that you didn’t know in this blog.  I also expect I will uncover a lot of new things from reading, from living, and from you.  This blog should be a dialogue for sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and learning how to become better at being human.   We will communicate, build relationships, and transition together.

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. – Winston Churchill

            Let’s do this together.  Follow this blog and contribute.  What transitions are you dealing with, good or bad?  How are you adjusting to the change?

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